The international seal of quality for valuable brands.
The Certified Brand Seal of Quality is the first international seal whose award is based on an objective evaluation standard. The Certified Brand program was developed in cooperation with Austrian Standards International and is based on the latest ISO standards.The Certified Brand Seal of Quality shows that the brand is managed according to the global framework.
Brands as distinguishing features and essential value factors are of great importance for small as well as for large companies, regions, associations, their customers and stakeholders, and the global economy. According to the latest studies of the European Brand Institute, the brand value represents on average around 40% of the company value - and the trend is rising!
Therefore, the ISO 20671 „Brand Evaluation“ has been developed in recent years for the measurement, management and reporting of brands. The new international standard is a framework that defines the dimensions for holistic brand management and enables companies, regions and associations to work efficiently to increase the brand value.
"People buy brands not products!"
- DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek
(c) Fotocredits Katharina Schiffl
Know-how Transfer through the ISO 20671 implementation process
Brand-Check, error detection, learning effect.
Optimization of brand management processes
Savings or gains.
Internationally recognized seal of approval (3 years validity) reflects quality orientation and enhances reputation.
Documented quality based on ISO 20671.
Turn your brand into an asset that can also be activated.
Potential brand value growth of about 6 - 41 % p.a.
Observed atcompanies that have already gone through the certification process.
Become a Certified Brand in four easy steps.
On November 21st 2019 Gerhard Hrebicek, President European Brand Institute awarded awarded the Certified Brands certificates to Michael Krottmayer, CFO Trenkwalder Group, for Trenkwalder and Michele Haindl, Marketing QimiQ, for QimiQ following the Sustainable Brand talk 2019.
April 9th, 2019
Gerhard Hrebicek, President of the European Brand Institute awarded NURI, ELK Bau and Vienna Capitals the Certified Brands certificates together with Bobby Calder, Kellstadt Professor of Marketing and Tienan Li, China Council for Brand Development at the opening event at the Novomatic Forum.
On April 18, 2018, the European Brand Institute awarded the world's first Certified Brand certificates, the international seal of quality for brands based on ISO 20671, to the domestic market leader ELK, Hanlo and Zenker, and the Finanzfuchsgruppe at Novomatic Forum.